Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ECSA-SSS 2015
- 2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications - Smart Systems and Structures(ECSA-SSS 2015)
- Conference
- Switzerland, Basel
- 2015-11-15
- 2015-10-15
- SICRSS 2016
- Sixth International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society(SICRSS 2015)
- Conference
- Washington D.C. , USA
- 2015-03-23
- 2015-10-15
- IACETI-2015
- Academics World-13th International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI-2015)
- Conference
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2015-11-27
- 2015-10-15
- The 2nd Virtual International Conference on the Dialogue between Science and Theology (DIALOGO-CONF 2015)
- Conference
- Romania,
- 2015-11-05
- 2015-10-15
- PSEDO 2015
- The International Academic Conference on Political, Social and Economic Development in Occupied Countries(PSEDO 2015)
- Conference
- Palestine
- 2015-11-16
- 2015-10-15
- DigitalSec 2015
- Second International Conference on Digital Security and Forensics (DigitalSec 2015)
- Conference
- South Africa
- 2015-11-15
- 2015-10-15
- JCIMT 2015
- 3rd Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology(JCIMT 2015)
- Conference
- Tokyo, Japan
- 2015-12-30
- 2015-10-15
- ICSC 2016
- Tenth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2016)
- Conference
- 2016-02-03
- 2015-10-14
- PQCrypto 2016
- 7th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2016)
- Conference
- Fukuoka, Japan
- 2016-02-24
- 2015-10-14
- ICHSS 2015
- International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences(ICHSS 2015)
- Conference
- Taipei, Taiwan
- 2015-10-13
- 2015-10-13
- International Conference on Current Advances in Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science(ICEECS-15
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Coimbatore
- 2015-10-18
- 2015-10-13
- ICCGIP 2016
- ICCGIP 2016 : 18th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
- Conference
- Zurich, Switzerland
- 2016-01-12
- 2015-10-12
- 26th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP 2016)
- Conference
- Cholula, Puebla, MEXICO
- 2016-02-24
- 2015-10-12
- SDOT 2015
- Federated Conference on Software Development and Object Technologies (SDOT 2015)
- Conference
- Slovakia
- 2015-11-19
- 2015-10-12
- ICMHS 2015
- 31st International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (ICMHS 2015 )
- Conference
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- 2015-11-16
- 2015-10-12
- ICEIT 2016
- 2015 International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology (ICEIT 2016)
- Conference
- Cebu, Philippines
- 2016-01-19
- 2015-10-11
- SCSSS 2016
- 4th Scandinavian Conference on SYSTEM & SOFTWARE SAFETY (SCSSS 2016)
- Conference
- KTH, Stockholm
- 2016-03-16
- 2015-10-11
- ICCCS 2015
- International Conference on Cloud Computing and Computer Science (ICCCS 2015)
- Conference
- Tirupati , India
- 2015-10-18
- 2015-10-11
- Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language FRUCT Conference (AINL-ISMW FRUCT conference 2015)
- Conference
- Russia
- 2015-11-09
- 2015-10-11
- BICE 2015
- 4th Annual Belgrade International Conference on Education (BICE 2015)
- Conference
- Belgrade, Serbia
- 2015-10-23
- 2015-10-10