Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ICLT 2020
- 2020 The 6th International Conference on Learning and Teaching (ICLT 2020)
- Conference
- Macau, China
- 2020-05-18
- 2020-03-20
- IEEE ICET 2020
- 2020 IEEE The 3rd International Conference on Electronics Technology (IEEE ICET 2020)
- Conference
- Chengdu, China
- 2020-05-08
- 2020-03-20
- ICEESM 2020
- 2020 The 6th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2020)
- Conference
- Perth, Australia
- 2020-06-23
- 2020-03-20
- ICDMA 2020
- 2020 The 7th International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation (ICDMA 2020)
- Conference
- Osaka, Japan
- 2020-05-10
- 2020-03-20
- ICMEE 2020
- 2020 The 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2020)
- Conference
- Osaka, Japan
- 2020-05-10
- 2020-03-20
- Media Literacy and Academic Research
- Journal
- N/A
- N/A
- 2020-03-20
- WMMM 2020
- 2020 Workshop on Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (WMMM 2020)
- Conference
- Czech University of Life Science Prague, Prague, C
- 2020-05-14
- 2020-03-20
- SNTA 2020
- 3rd International Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics (SNTA2020)
- Workshops
- Stockholm, Sweden
- 2020-06-23
- 2020-03-20
- CLIC 2020
- Workshop and Challenge on Learned Image Compressio (CLIC 2020)
- Conference
- Seattle, United States
- 2020-06-15
- 2020-03-20
- UG2+ 2020
- UG2+ 2020 : CVPR2020 UG2+ Challenge and Workshop
- Conference
- Seattle, USA.
- 2020-06-19
- 2020-03-20
- MobiSPC 2020
- The 17th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing(MobiSPC 2020)
- Conference
- Leuven, Belgium
- 2020-08-09
- 2020-03-19
- European Conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases (ECMLPKDD 2020)
- Conference
- Ghent, Belgium
- 2020-09-14
- 2020-03-19
- IoT-T&A 2020
- 5th international Workshop on Recent advances on Internet of Things : Technology and Application Approaches (IoT-T&A 2020)
- Conference
- Leuven, Belgium
- 2020-08-09
- 2020-03-19
- ECML PKDD 2020
- ECML PKDD Call for Research/Applied Data Science papers(ECML PKDD 2020)
- Conference
- Ghent, Belgium
- 2020-09-14
- 2020-03-19
- CDC-2020
- 59th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-2020)
- Conference
- Jeju Island, South Korea
- 2020-12-08
- 2020-03-17
- The 5th International Conference on Real-time Intelligence Systems(RTIS)
- Conference
- Casino Barriere, France
- 2020-06-30
- 2020-03-16
- WIMS 2020
- International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
- Conference
- Biarritz-France, France
- 2020-07-29
- 2020-03-16
- FUSION 2020
- 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2020)
- Conference
- Sun City, South Africa
- 2020-07-06
- 2020-03-15
- ICCSA 2020
- International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2020)
- Conference
- Cagliari, Italy
- 2020-07-01
- 2020-03-15