Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ICMESM 2019
- 2019 4th International Conference on Material Engineering and Smart Materials(ICMESM 2019)
- Conference
- Salamanca, Spain
- 2019-08-09
- 2019-06-15
- ICDMM 2019
- 2019 4th International Conference on Design, Materials and Manufacturing(ICDMM 2019)
- Conference
- Salamanca, Spain
- 2019-08-09
- 2019-06-15
- 5th Ibero-American Congress of Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology
- Conference
- Portalegre, Portugal
- 2019-09-11
- 2019-06-15
- Bioenergy International Conference
- Conference
- Portalegre, Portugal
- 2019-09-11
- 2019-06-15
- ICAFM 2019
- 2019 The 4th International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2019)
- Conference
- Salt Lake City
- 2018-08-02
- 2019-06-15
- ICAAA 2019
- 2019 9th International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal (ICAAA 2019)
- Conference
- Jeju Island, South Korea
- 2019-08-08
- 2019-06-15
- ICEAE 2019
- 2019 9th International Conference on Environmental and Agriculture Engineering (ICEAE 2019)
- Conference
- Jeju Island, South Korea
- 2019-08-08
- 2019-06-15
- ICRES 2019
- 2019 International Conference on Resources and Environment Sciences (ICRES 2019)
- Conference
- Jeju Island, South Korea
- 2019-08-08
- 2019-06-15
- V Congresso Ibero-Americano de Empreendedorismo, Energia, Ambiente e Tecnologia
- Conference
- Portalegre, Portugal
- 2019-09-11
- 2019-06-15
- V Congreso Ibero-Americano de Emprendimiento, Energía, Ambiente y Tecnología
- Conference
- Portalegre, Portugal
- 2019-09-11
- 2019-06-15
- WISE 2019
- The 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2019)
- Conference
- Hong Kong
- 2019-11-26
- 2019-06-15
- PRAI 2019
- 2019 the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI 2019)
- Conference
- Zhejiang, China
- 2019-08-26
- 2019-06-15
- ETAA 2019
- 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA 2019 )
- Workshops
- luxembourg
- 2019-09-23
- 2019-06-15
- ACVR 2019
- 7th International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics (ACVR 2019)
- Workshops
- Seoul (Korea)
- 2019-11-28
- 2019-06-15
- ALICE 2019
- 9th International Workshop on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional approaches(ALICE 2019)
- Workshops
- Antwerp, Belgium
- 2019-11-07
- 2019-06-15
- ALICE 2019
- 9th International Workshop on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional approaches(ALICE 2019)
- Workshops
- Antwerp, Belgium
- 2019-11-07
- 2019-06-15
- Bench 2019
- International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing (Bench 2019 )
- Symposium
- Denver, United States
- 2019-11-14
- 2019-06-15
- LAF 2019
- Lean-Agile Frontiers (LAF 2019)
- Conference
- San Jose, CA, USA
- 2019-10-28
- 2019-06-15
- ICMEN2019
- 2019 4th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICMEN2019)
- Conference
- Chongqing University, Chongqing,China
- 2019-07-18
- 2019-06-14
- BioASQ 2019
- 7th BioASQ Workshop on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering(BioASQ 2019)
- Workshops
- Wurzburg, Germany
- 2019-09-20
- 2019-06-14