Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- Pharmaceutica Meet 2019
- 18th International Conference on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems
- Conference
- Istanbul, Turkey
- 2019-05-27
- 2019-05-19
- ICOEME 2019
- 2nd International Conference on Economy, Management and Entrepreneurship(ICOEME 2019)
- Conference
- Voronezh , Russia
- 2019-05-22
- 2019-05-18
- KI 2019
- 42nd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2019)
- Conference
- Kassel, Germany
- 2019-09-23
- 2019-05-17
- QPL 2019
- Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2019)
- Conference
- United States
- 2019-06-10
- 2019-05-17
- ECDG 2019
- 19th European Conference on Digital Government (ECDG 2019)
- Conference
- Fraunhofer-Institut FOKUS, Berlin
- 2019-10-17
- 2019-05-16
- 2nd International Conference on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship Growth and Role of Social Sciences EPGS
- Conference
- Aqueen Hotel Paya Lebar 33 Jalan Afifi, Singapore
- 2019-06-01
- 2019-05-15
- ICEEA 2019
- 2019 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2019)
- Conference
- Prague, Czech Republic
- 2019-06-26
- 2019-05-15
- EI2E 2019
- 3rd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Energy Engineering (EI2E 2019) - EI/SCOPUS-EI2E 2019
- Conference
- Yinchuan, China
- 2019-09-19
- 2019-05-15
- ICSCER 2019
- 2019 3rd International Conference on Structure and Civil Engineering Research (ICSCER 2019)
- Conference
- Prague, Czech Republic
- 2019-06-26
- 2019-05-15
- SEIA 2019
- nternational conference on sensors and instrumentation advancs
- Conference
- Spain
- 2018-09-25
- 2019-05-15
- ICFM 2019
- KEM--2019 The 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM 2019)
- Conference
- Tohoku University, Japan
- 2019-09-04
- 2019-05-15
- ICGET 2019
- 2019 4th International Conference on Green Energy Technology (ICGET 2019)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2019-07-16
- 2019-05-15
- ICWPT 2019
- 2019 4th International Conference on Water Pollution and Treatment (ICWPT 2019)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2019-07-16
- 2019-05-15
- COPA 2019
- 8th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (COPA 2019)
- Symposium
- Golden Sands, Bulgaria
- 2019-09-09
- 2019-05-15
- COPA 2019
- 8th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (COPA 2019)
- Symposium
- Golden Sands, Bulgaria
- 2019-09-09
- 2019-05-15
- COPA 2019
- 8th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (COPA 2019)
- Symposium
- Golden Sands, Bulgaria
- 2019-09-09
- 2019-05-15
- ICSP 2019
- 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing(ICSP 2019)
- Conference
- china
- 2019-09-28
- 2019-05-15
- ICJAHP 2019
- 4th International Conference on Judicial, Administrative and Humanitarian Problems of State Structures and Economic Subjects (JAHP 2019)
- Conference
- Moscow, Russia
- 2019-06-12
- 2019-05-15
- ASSURE 2019
- 7th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems
- Workshops
- Turku, Finland
- 2019-09-10
- 2019-05-13
- WAISE 2019
- Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety Engineering
- Workshops
- Turku, Finland
- 2019-09-10
- 2019-05-13