Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ICIMT 2018
- 2018 10th International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology
- Conference
- Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
- 2018-12-08
- 2018-10-10
- ICMPM 2018
- 2018 5th International Conference on Mechanical Properties of Materials (ICMPM 2018)--Ei Compendex and Scopus
- Conference
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2018-11-27
- 2018-10-10
- ICMCE 2018
- 2018 7th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2018)--Ei Compendex and Scopus
- Conference
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2018-11-27
- 2018-10-10
- BDACCIP 2018
- The 2nd International Workshop on Big Data Analytic for Cyber Crime Investigation and Prevention
- Workshops
- Seattle, USA
- 2018-12-10
- 2018-10-10
- ChatbotML 2018
- International Workshop on Conversational Agents and Chatbots with Machine Learning (ChatbotML 2018)
- Workshops
- Seattle, WA, USA
- 2018-12-10
- 2018-10-10
- BDMIOM 2018
- The 1st International Workshop on Big Data for Marketing Intellegence and Operation Management
- Workshops
- Seattle, WA
- 2018-12-10
- 2018-10-10
- ISNSEA2018
- 2018 The 1st International Symposium on Nano technology and Smart materials for Environmental Applications (ISNSEA 2018)
- Conference
- Korea
- 2018-12-20
- 2018-10-10
- IC4E 2019
- 2019 10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning
- Conference
- Tokyo, Japan
- 2019-01-10
- 2018-10-10
- MSME 2018
- 2018 International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering (MSME 2018)
- Conference
- Paris, France
- 2018-11-08
- 2018-10-10
- Big Data 2018
- 6th International Workshop on Distributed Storage and Blockchain Technologies for Big Data(Big Data 2018)
- Workshops
- Seattle, WA, USA
- 2018-12-10
- 2018-10-10
- Eurographics 2019
- 40th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
- Conference
- Genova, Italy
- 2019-05-06
- 2018-10-09
- ICSTEM 2018
- 13thInternational Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM 2018)
- Conference
- Bangkok, Thailand
- 2018-12-21
- 2018-10-08
- AI 2018
- 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
- Conference
- Dubai,UAE
- 2018-10-27
- 2018-10-07
- MEN 2018
- 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (MEN 2018)
- Conference
- Dubai,UAE
- 2018-10-27
- 2018-10-07
- MEN 2018
- 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
- Conference
- Dubai,UAE
- 2018-10-27
- 2018-10-07
- ICBDR 2018
- 2018 The 2nd International Conference on Big Data Research
- Conference
- Weihai, China
- 2018-10-27
- 2018-10-05
- CPN 2019
- IEEE Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking (CPN 2019)
- Workshops
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 2019-01-11
- 2018-10-05
- ICSTTE 2018
- 2018 2nd International Conference on SmartRail, Traffic and Transportation Engineering(ICSTTE 2018)
- Conference
- Seoul,South Korea
- 2018-10-26
- 2018-10-05
- NEVVE 2018
- 2018 2nd International Conference on New Energy Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering(NEVVE 2018)
- Conference
- Seoul,South Korea
- 2018-10-26
- 2018-10-05
- ICRE 2018
- 2018 3rd International Conference on Reliability Engineering
- Conference
- Barcelona, Spain
- 2018-11-24
- 2018-10-05