Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- SYROCO 2018
- 12th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control
- Symposium
- Budapest, Hungary
- 2018-08-27
- 2018-02-09
- 19th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference
- Conference
- Sand Key, Florida
- 2018-04-09
- 2018-02-09
- AIED 2018
- 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Conference
- London
- 2018-01-25
- 2018-02-07
- IMBioC
- The International Microwave Biomedical Conference
- Conference
- Philadelphia,USA
- 2018-06-14
- 2018-02-07
- ICIP 2018
- International Conference on Image Processing
- Conference
- Athens, Greece
- 2018-10-07
- 2018-02-07
- ICWS 2018
- The 25th International Conference on Web Services
- Conference
- Seattle, USA
- 2018-06-25
- 2018-02-06
- CLOUD 2018
- The 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing
- Conference
- Seattle, USA
- 2018-06-25
- 2018-02-06
- ISAMI 2018
- 8th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
- Symposium
- Toledo ,Spain
- 2018-06-20
- 2018-02-05
- MIS4TEL 2018
- 8th International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning
- Conference
- Toledo, Spain.
- 2018-06-20
- 2018-02-05
- DCAI 2018
- 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
- Conference
- Toledo ,Spain
- 2018-06-20
- 2018-02-05
- EuroPLoP 2018
- 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
- Conference
- Irsee, Germany
- 2018-07-04
- 2018-02-05
- SoSE 2018
- IEEE – 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference
- Conference
- Paris, France
- 2018-06-19
- 2018-02-05
- 1st International Workshop on Methodological Issues with Empirical Studies involving Human Subjects
- Workshops
- Sweden
- 2018-05-27
- 2018-02-05
- RCoSE 2018
- 4th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering
- Workshops
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2018-05-28
- 2018-02-05
- ICARSC 2018
- International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions
- Conference
- Portugal
- 2018-04-25
- 2018-02-04
- Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
- Workshops
- Portugal
- 2018-04-10
- 2018-02-04
- CIVEMSA 2018
- IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications
- Conference
- Ottawa, Canada
- 2018-06-12
- 2018-02-04
- MSCPES 2018
- Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
- Workshops
- Porto, Portugal
- 2018-04-10
- 2018-02-04
- ICIBM 2018
- International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine
- Conference
- Los Angeles
- 2018-06-10
- 2018-02-04