Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- IoTPST 2017
- The 7th International Workshop on Internet on Things: Privacy, Security and Trust
- Workshops
- Vancouver, Canada
- 2017-08-03
- 2017-03-24
- ESCS 2017
- The 15th International Conference on Embedded Systems, Cyber-physical Systems, and Applications
- Conference
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- BIOCOMP 2017
- The 18th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Conference
- Nevada, USA
- 2017-10-09
- 2017-03-24
- FECS 2017
- The 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering
- Conference
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- ICOMP 2017
- The 18th International Conference on Internet Computing and Internet of Things
- Conference
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- ICWN 2017
- The 16th International Conference on Wireless Networks
- Conference
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- SERP 2017
- The 15th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice
- Conference
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- IKE 2017
- The 16th International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering
- Conference
- Nevada, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- IPCV 2017
- The 21th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition
- Conference
- Las Vegas, USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-03-24
- ICEPOE 2017
- 2017 International Conference on Engineering Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering (ICEPOE 2017)
- Conference
- Bangkok, Thailand.
- 2017-04-21
- 2017-03-23
- CAMME 2017
- 2017 International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering(CAMME 2017)
- Conference
- Bangkok, Thailand
- 2017-04-21
- 2017-03-23
- ISLSBE 2017
- 5th International Symposium on Life Sciences and Biological Engineering
- Symposium
- Hong Kong
- 2017-07-04
- 2017-03-23
- ICCGI 2017
- The Twelfth International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
- Conference
- Nice, France
- 2017-07-23
- 2017-03-23
- EMR 2017
- The Energy & Materials Research Conference
- Conference
- Lisbon,Portugal
- 2017-04-05
- 2017-03-22
- SMMA 2017
- The International Workshop onSocial Media Mining and Analysis
- Workshops
- Exeter, UK
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-03-22
- SITN 2017
- The 1st International Workshop on Securing IoT Networks
- Workshops
- Exeter,United Kingdom
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-03-22
- EDMA 2017
- The International Workshop on Engineering Data- & Model-driven Applications
- Workshops
- Exeter, Devon, UK
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-03-22
- TrustBus 2017
- Conference
- Lyon, France
- 2017-08-28
- 2017-03-22
- BCD 2017
- 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science
- Conference
- Hamamatsu,Japan
- 2017-07-09
- 2017-03-21
- NLPIT 2017
- The 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Informal Text
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2017-06-05
- 2017-03-21