Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- WASA 2017
- Third International Workshop on Automotive Software Architectures
- Workshops
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2017-04-03
- 2017-02-23
- HWNQoE 2017
- International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks and Quality-of-Experience
- Workshops
- Exeter, UK
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-02-23
- SODA 2017
- 1st International Workshop on the Social and Organizational Dimensions of Software Architecting
- Workshops
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2017-04-04
- 2017-02-23
- IC3E 2017
- 2017 International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering (IC3E 2017)
- Conference
- Suzhou.
- 2017-03-22
- 2017-02-22
- GMP 2017
- Geometric Modeling and Processing
- Conference
- Xiamen, Fujian, China
- 2017-04-17
- 2017-02-22
- ICSDGB 2017
- 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Buildings (ICSDGB 2017)
- Conference
- Suzhou
- 2017-03-22
- 2017-02-22
- Canadian AI 2017
- 30th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Conference
- Edmonton,Alberta
- 2017-05-16
- 2017-02-22
- SYSTOR 2017
- 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference
- Conference
- Haifa, Israel
- 2017-05-22
- 2017-02-22
- SACMAT 2017
- The 22nd ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
- Symposium
- Indianapolis, IN, USA
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-02-22
- DIMVA 2017
- 14th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment
- Conference
- Bonn, Germany
- 2017-07-06
- 2017-02-22
- ICAC 2017
- The 14th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Columbus, Ohio USA
- 2017-07-17
- 2017-02-21
- ICCCN 2017
- The 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks
- Conference
- Vancouver, Canada
- 2017-07-31
- 2017-02-21
- International Economics Researches and Financial Markets Congress
- Conference
- Edirne, Turkey
- 2017-05-12
- 2017-02-21
- SCC 2017
- IEEE - 14th International Conference on Services Computing
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Honolulu, USA
- 2017-06-25
- 2017-02-21
- IEEE IRI 2017
- 18th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration
- Conference
- San Diego, California, USA
- 2017-08-04
- 2017-02-21
- SCOPES 2017
- ACM-20th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems
- Workshops
- Sankt Goar, Germany
- 2017-06-12
- 2017-02-21
- LEBIS 2017
- International Conference on Law, Education, Business and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Conference
- London, UK
- 2017-03-20
- 2017-02-20
- CyRM-2017
- Third International Workshop on Cyberinfrastructures for Natural Resources Management
- Workshops
- Bucharest, Romania
- 2017-05-27
- 2017-02-20
- WCSE 2017
- The 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering
- Workshops
- Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
- 2017-07-05
- 2017-02-20
- ICMET 2017
- 9th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology
- Conference
- Beijing, China
- 2017-06-23
- 2017-02-20