Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ICC-2017
- Second International conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing
- Conference
- Cambridge , United Kingdom
- 2017-03-22
- 2016-08-05
- DTMBIO 2016
- ACM Tenth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics
- Workshops
- Indianapolis, USA
- 2016-10-28
- 2016-08-05
- ICINS 2016
- 4th International Conference on Information and Network Security
- Conference
- Malaysia
- 2016-12-28
- 2016-08-05
- ICOSP 2016
- 2rd International Conference on Signal Processing
- Conference
- Limerick City, Ireland
- 2016-12-07
- 2016-08-05
- ICSSER-2016
- International Conference on Social Science and Research
- Conference
- Budapest, Hungary
- 2016-09-07
- 2016-08-05
- ICIME-ACM 2016
- 8th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2016)--Ei Compendex
- Conference
- Istanbul, Turkey
- 2016-11-02
- 2016-08-05
- ICET-16
- International Conference on Engineering and Technology
- Conference
- London, UK
- 2016-08-12
- 2016-08-05
- DMIoT 2016
- The First Workshop on Data Mining for Internet of Things
- Workshops
- Barcelona, Spain
- 2016-12-12
- 2016-08-05
- WIFS 2016
- Eight IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security
- Workshops
- Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 2016-12-04
- 2016-08-05
- ICOAI 2016
- 3th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Conference
- Limerick City, Ireland
- 2016-12-07
- 2016-08-05
- ICCEB 2016
- 5th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Bioinformatics
- Conference
- Limerick City, Ireland
- 2016-12-07
- 2016-08-05
- ICISS 2016
- International Conference on Information Systems Security
- Conference
- MNIT Jaipur,India
- 2016-12-16
- 2016-08-05
- Mobicase 2016
- The 8th EAI International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services
- Conference
- Cambridge, Great Britain
- 2016-11-30
- 2016-08-05
- ICFSN-16
- International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition( ICFSN-16)
- Conference
- Jakarta,Indonesia
- 2016-08-10
- 2016-08-04
- ICITDA 2016
- The International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications
- Conference
- Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 2016-11-14
- 2016-08-04
- ICSSH 2016
- International Conference on Social Science and Humanities
- Conference
- Chengdu , China
- 2016-09-10
- 2016-08-03
- International Summit on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering
- Conference
- Manila, Philippines
- 2016-08-20
- 2016-08-02
- TEI 2017
- 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions
- Conference
- Yokohama, Japan
- 2017-03-20
- 2016-08-02
- IVA 2016
- The Sixteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
- Conference
- Los Angeles, California
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-08-02
- NGTCC 2016
- Next Generation Technologies in Computing and Communication (NGTCC 2016)
- Conference
- India
- 2016-12-14
- 2016-08-01