Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ITSC 2017
- Special Session on Intelligent Technologies in the Smart Cities in the 21st Century
- Conference
- Kanazawa, Japan
- 2017-04-03
- 2016-10-01
- AIAE 2017
- Special Session on Artificial Intelligence Applications for E-services
- Conference
- Kanazawa,Japan.
- 2017-04-03
- 2016-10-01
- AINA-2017
- The 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2017-03-27
- 2016-10-01
- ICMDE 2017
- International Conference on Mechanical Design and Engineering(ICMDE 2017)
- Conference
- Hong Kong
- 2017-01-20
- 2016-09-30
- HACU IC 2016
- 12th International Conference(HACU IC 2016)
- Conference
- San Jose, Costa Rica
- 2017-04-29
- 2016-09-30
- PerCom 2017
- IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
- Conference
- Kona, Hawaii, USA
- 2017-03-13
- 2016-09-30
- HACU IC 2017
- 12th International Conference on Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- Conference
- San Jose, Costa Rica
- 2017-03-29
- 2016-09-30
- ICCNSCE 2016
- International Conference on Computer Networks Systems and Communication Engineering
- Conference
- Montreal, Canada
- 2016-12-17
- 2016-09-30
- QuASoQ 2016
- 4th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality
- Workshops
- Hamilton, New Zealand
- 2016-12-06
- 2016-09-30
- ALTA 2016
- Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop
- Workshops
- Caulfield, Melbourne, Australia
- 2016-12-05
- 2016-09-30
- ICMRAA 2016
- 3rd International Conference on Management Research and Advances in Accounting
- Conference
- Malaysia
- 2016-12-15
- 2016-09-30
- BigComp 2017
- The 4th International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing
- Conference
- Jeju Island, South Korea
- 2017-02-13
- 2016-09-30
- ICAT-EGVE 2016
- International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
- Conference
- Little Rock, AR, USA
- 2016-12-07
- 2016-09-30
- SP 2016
- Second International Conference on Signal Processing
- Conference
- Chennai, India
- 2016-10-22
- 2016-09-30
- BigComp 2017
- The 4th International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing
- Conference
- Jeju Island
- 2017-02-13
- 2016-09-30
- TMNZ 2016
- First New Zealand Text Mining Workshop
- Workshops
- Hamilton, New Zealand
- 2016-11-16
- 2016-09-30
- VAAM 2016
- Video Analytics for Audience Measurement
- Workshops
- Cancoon , Mexico
- 2016-12-04
- 2016-09-30
- IWMbD 2016
- Second International Workshop on Metamaterials-by-Design
- Workshops
- Riva del Garda, Italy
- 2016-12-15
- 2016-09-30
- FRUCT 2016
- The 19th conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT
- Conference
- Jyva skyla, Finland
- 2016-11-07
- 2016-09-30
- BDCOM 2016
- Big Data for Cloud Operations Management: Problems, Approaches, Tools, and Best Practices
- Workshops
- Washington, D.C., USA
- 2016-12-05
- 2016-09-30