Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- PCRC 2016
- Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference
- Conference
- Bangkok, Thailand
- 2016-12-05
- 2016-08-01
- PPoPP 2017
- 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
- Symposium
- Austin, Texas, United States
- 2017-02-04
- 2016-08-01
- IEEE HPSC 2016
- The 3rd IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing
- Conference
- Shenzhen, China
- 2016-08-17
- 2016-08-01
- MMIH 2017
- Special Session on Multimedia and Multimodal Interaction for Health and Basic Care Applications
- Conference
- Reykjavik, Iceland
- 2017-01-04
- 2016-08-01
- RUMPLE 2016
- Workshop on ReUsable and Modular Programming Language Ecosystems
- Workshops
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2016-10-31
- 2016-08-01
- DSLDI 2016
- 4th Workshop on Domain Specific Language Design and Implementation
- Workshops
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2016-10-31
- 2016-08-01
- DAPS 2016
- Data mining for the Analysis of Performance and Success
- Workshops
- Barcelona (Spain)
- 2016-12-12
- 2016-08-01
- APSEC 2016
- The Asia-Pacific Conference on Security and International Relations 2016
- Conference
- Osaka, Japan
- 2016-12-01
- 2016-08-01
- IFL 2016
- 28th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages
- Symposium
- KU Leuven, Belgium
- 2016-08-31
- 2016-08-01
- RTIS 2016
- First International Conference on Real Time Intelligent Systems
- Conference
- Beijing,China
- 2016-09-01
- 2016-08-01
- CSA 2016
- 4th International Workshop on Computer Systems and Architectures
- Workshops
- Hiroshima, Japan
- 2016-11-22
- 2016-08-01
- SmartCom 2016
- International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication
- Conference
- China
- 2016-12-17
- 2016-08-01
- NoCArc 2016
- Ninth International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures
- Workshops
- Taipei, Taiwan
- 2016-10-15
- 2016-08-01
- NSysS 2017
- International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security
- Conference
- Dhaka
- 2017-01-05
- 2016-08-01
- REBLS 2016
- 3rd International Workshop on Reactive and Event-Based Languages & Systems
- Workshops
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2016-11-01
- 2016-08-01
- FPS 2016
- 9th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security
- Symposium
- Quebec, Canada
- 2016-10-24
- 2016-08-01
- MCPS 2016
- 1st International workshop on Management of Service-oriented Cyber-Physical Systems
- Workshops
- Banff, Alberta, Canada
- 2016-10-10
- 2016-08-01
- MMM 2017
- International Conference on Multimedia Modeling
- Conference
- Reykjavik, Iceland
- 2017-01-04
- 2016-08-01
- WAW 2016
- 13th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
- Conference
- Montreal, Canada
- 2016-12-14
- 2016-08-01
- WICON 2016
- 9th EAI International Wireless Internet Conference
- Conference
- HaiKou, China
- 2016-12-20
- 2016-08-01