Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- International conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization(NETGCOOP 2016)
- Conference
- Avignon
- 2016-11-23
- 2016-07-08
- PSSIR 2016
- 6th Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations
- Conference
- Singapore
- 2016-09-26
- 2016-07-08
- CVMP 2016
- 13th European Conference on Visual Media Production
- Conference
- London, UK
- 2016-12-12
- 2016-07-08
- KTOI 2016
- 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Technologies for Open Innovation
- Workshops
- 2016-10-31
- 2016-07-08
- ModRef 2016
- 15th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation
- Conference
- France
- 2016-09-05
- 2016-07-08
- ICCBE 2016
- 58th International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
- Conference
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2016-08-16
- 2016-07-08
- ICCAE 2016
- The 62nd International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering
- Conference
- Stockholm, Sweden.
- 2016-08-16
- 2016-07-08
- ACSSC 2016
- The Annual Conference on Social Studies, Communication and Education (ACSSC)
- Conference
- Malaysia
- 2016-11-01
- 2016-07-07
- NTMS 2016
- 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security
- Conference
- Larnaca
- 2016-11-21
- 2016-07-07
- MoDeST 2016
- 2nd Workshop on Mobile Deployment of Semantic Technologies
- Workshops
- Kobe, Japan
- 2016-10-17
- 2016-07-07
- COLD 2016
- Seventh International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data
- Workshops
- Japan
- 2016-10-17
- 2016-07-07
- IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA'16)
- Conf/IEEE CS
- 2016-12-18
- 2016-07-06
- CANS 2016
- The 15th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2016)
- Conference
- Milan,Italy
- 2016-11-14
- 2016-07-06
- POPL 2017
- 44th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
- Symposium
- France
- 2017-01-18
- 2016-07-06
- ICMLA 2016
- IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
- Conference
- Los Angeles, California, USA
- 2016-12-18
- 2016-07-06
- ICBEC 2016
- 6th International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2015)
- Conference
- New York,USA
- 2015-10-26
- 2016-07-05
- DARS 2016
- 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2016)
- Symposium
- London, UK
- 2016-11-07
- 2016-07-05
- ICMBE 2016
- 2nd International Conference on Marketing Business and Economics (ICMBE2016)
- Conference
- Indonesia
- 2016-11-12
- 2016-07-05
- ICSS 2016
- Second International Conference on Software Security (ICSS 2016)
- Conference
- Chennai, India
- 2016-07-23
- 2016-07-05
- ME 2016
- Third International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ME 2016)
- Conference
- Chennai, India
- 2016-07-23
- 2016-07-05