Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ICSME 2016
- International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2016)
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Raleigh, USA
- 2016-10-02
- 2016-06-24
- SBCARS 2016
- 10th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse
- Symposium
- Maringa, Brazil
- 2016-09-19
- 2016-06-24
- DLRS 2016
- Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
- Workshops
- Boston, USA
- 2016-09-15
- 2016-06-24
- SCAM 2016
- 16th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
- Conference
- Raleigh, USA
- 2016-10-02
- 2016-06-24
- 15th European Conference On Logics In Artificial Intelligence
- Conference
- Cyprus
- 2016-11-09
- 2016-06-24
- FARM 2016
- 4th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design
- Workshops
- Nara, Japan
- 2016-09-24
- 2016-06-24
- PROFES 2016
- 17th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Trondheim, Norway
- 2016-11-22
- 2016-06-24
- SPVAN 2016
- International Conference on Security and Privacy in Vehicular Networks
- Conference
- Madrid, Spain
- 2016-11-17
- 2016-06-24
- AIRS 2016
- Twelfth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference
- Conference
- China
- 2016-11-30
- 2016-06-24
- DPM 2016
- 11th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management
- Workshops
- Heraklion, Crete, Greece
- 2016-09-26
- 2016-06-23
- STM 2016
- 12th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management
- Workshops
- Greece
- 2016-09-26
- 2016-06-23
- BigData 2016
- The Third International Conference on Data Mining, Internet Computing, and Big Data (BigData 2016)
- Conference
- Konya, Turkey
- 2016-07-21
- 2016-06-21
- DICTAP 2016
- The Sixth International Conference on Digital Information & Communication Technology & its Applications (DICTAP 2016)
- Conference
- Konya, Turkey
- 2016-07-21
- 2016-06-21
- IEREM'2016
- International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Robotics and Engineering Materials
- Conference
- Istanbul,Turkey.
- 2016-09-07
- 2016-06-21
- BigData2016
- The Third International Conference on Data Mining, Internet Computing, and Big Data
- Conference
- Konya, Turkey
- 2016-07-21
- 2016-06-21
- ICPRE 2016
- International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy(ICPRE 2016)
- Conference
- China
- 2016-10-21
- 2016-06-20
- ICVM 2016
- International Workshop on Video and Media (ICVM 2016)
- Conference
- Tokyo, Japan
- 2016-10-29
- 2016-06-20
- ICSAP 2016
- International Workshop on Signal Acquisition and Processing (ICSAP 2016)
- Conference
- Tokyo, Japan
- 2016-10-29
- 2016-06-20
- IUKM 2016
- The International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making (IUKM)
- Symposium
- Da Nang, Vietnam
- 2016-11-30
- 2016-06-20
- SBAC-PAD 2016
- International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2016)
- Symposium
- 2016-10-26
- 2016-06-20