Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- IIP 2016
- 9th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP 2016)
- Conference
- Australia
- 2016-11-18
- 2016-05-31
- Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference(APSIPA ASC 2016)
- Conference
- Jeju, korea
- 2016-12-13
- 2016-05-31
- 5GeS 2016
- International Workshop on 5G in eHealthcare Services (5GeS 2016)
- Conference
- Munich, Germany
- 2016-09-14
- 2016-05-31
- ATC 2016
- International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications(ATC 2016)
- Conference
- Vietnam
- 2016-10-12
- 2016-05-31
- ESMMH 2016
- 1st IEEE International Workshop on Evolution of Social Media in Mobile Healthcare under IEEE healthcom (ESMMH 2016)
- Workshops
- Romania
- 2016-09-24
- 2016-05-31
- WINCOM 2016
- The International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications(WINCOM 2016)
- Conference
- Fez, Morocco
- 2016-10-26
- 2016-05-31
- WiMob 2016
- The 12th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications.
- Conf/IEEE CS
- New York, USA
- 2016-10-17
- 2016-05-31
- SEIA 2016
- 2nd International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumental Advances
- Conference
- Barcelona, Castelldefels, Spain
- 2016-09-22
- 2016-05-31
- IEEE HealthCom 2016
- 18th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services
- Conference
- Munich, Germany
- 2016-09-14
- 2016-05-31
- ES 2016
- 4th International Conference on Enterprise Systems
- Conference
- Melbourne, Australia
- 2016-11-02
- 2016-05-31
- ICSD 2016 Rome, Ital
- 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development, ICSD-2016,16 - 17 September, Rome, Italy
- Conference
- Rome,Italy
- 2016-09-16
- 2016-05-30
- FM 2016
- 21st International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2016)
- Symposium
- Cyprus
- 2016-11-07
- 2016-05-30
- UPI-GC-BME 2016
- 1st UPI Global Conference on Business, Management and Entreupreuneurship (UPI-GC-BME 2016 )
- Conference
- Indonesia
- 2016-08-08
- 2016-05-30
- CPORA 2016
- 1st Workshop on Constraint Programming and Operation Research Applications
- Workshops
- Gdansk, Poland.
- 2016-09-11
- 2016-05-30
- IC5e 2016
- 3rd International Conference on eBusiness, eCommerce, eManagement, eLearning and eGovernance(IC5e 2016)
- Conference
- UK
- 2016-07-21
- 2016-05-30
- MIQH 2016
- 1st Workshop on M-Health Innovations for Quality in Healthcare
- Workshops
- Gdansk, Poland
- 2016-09-11
- 2016-05-30
- IWAMA 2016
- 6th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA 2016)
- Workshops
- UK
- 2016-11-10
- 2016-05-30
- ICTA 2016
- International Conference on Applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICTA 2016)
- Conference
- Viet Nam
- 2016-12-12
- 2016-05-30
- IC3SE 2016
- International Conference on Science, Social Science and Economics (IC3SE 2016)
- Conference
- Malacca, Malaysia
- 2016-07-08
- 2016-05-30
- EFINS 2016
- The 3rd International Workshop on the Emerging Future Internet and Network Security
- Workshops
- Tianjin, China
- 2016-08-23
- 2016-05-30