Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- GECON 2016
- 13th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services(GECON 2016)
- Conference
- Athens, Greece
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-06-08
- SOCNE 2016
- 10th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments
- Workshops
- Berlin, Germany
- 2016-09-06
- 2016-06-08
- EPEW 2016
- 13th European Workshop on Performance Engineering
- Workshops
- Chios, Greece
- 2016-10-05
- 2016-06-08
- LOPSTR 2016
- 26th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation
- Symposium
- Edinburgh, UK
- 2016-09-06
- 2016-06-07
- DSTC 2016
- 3rd International Conference on Defence & Security Technology 2016
- Conference
- Putrajaya, Malaysia
- 2016-08-15
- 2016-06-07
- 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Personal Guidance of Human Behavior Utilizing Anticipatory Models
- Workshops
- Heidelberg, Germany
- 2016-09-12
- 2016-06-07
- ICSR 2016
- Eight International Conference on Social Robotics
- Conf/Springer
- Kansas City, USA
- 2016-11-01
- 2016-06-07
- The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2016)
- Conference
- Moscow, Russia
- 2016-07-06
- 2016-06-06
- PPPJ 2016
- 13th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on the Java Platform: Virtual Machines, Languages, and Tools (PPPJ 2016)
- Conference
- switzerland
- 2016-08-29
- 2016-06-06
- SBBD 2016
- 31st Brazilian Symposium on Databases(SBBD 2016)
- Symposium
- Bahia,Brazil
- 2016-10-04
- 2016-06-06
- ICAPM 2016
- International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2016)
- Conference
- Zurich, Switzerland
- 2016-07-14
- 2016-06-06
- SAH 2017
- Society of Architectural Historians 2017 Annual International Conference(SAH 2017)
- Conference
- Glasgow, Scotland, UK
- 2016-06-07
- 2016-06-06
- ReMa 2016
- 1st Workshop on Resource Management in Business Processes
- Workshops
- Rio de Janeiro
- 2016-09-19
- 2016-06-06
- AEN 2016
- The 1st International Workshop on Analytics on Evolving Networks
- Conference
- Netherlands
- 2016-08-29
- 2016-06-06
- WRE2016
- 2016 International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE2016)
- Conference
- Shanghai, China
- 2016-07-23
- 2016-06-05
- ICFET 2016
- International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (ICFET 2016)
- Conference
- Singapore
- 2016-09-28
- 2016-06-05
- KDWEB 2016
- 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web(KDWEB 2016)
- Workshops
- Italy
- 2016-09-08
- 2016-06-05
- ispm
- The 4th International Symposium on Project Management
- Symposium
- Wuhan
- 2016-06-18
- 2016-06-05
- SCM 2016
- Second International Conference on Soft Computing, Control and Mathematics (SCM 2016)
- Conference
- Chennai, India
- 2016-07-23
- 2016-06-05
- IMEC 2016
- IEEE Information Management,Electronic and Automation Control Conference(IMEC 2016)
- Conf/IEEE CS
- China
- 2016-10-04
- 2016-06-05