Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- DataSys 2016
- The International Symposium on Designing, Validating, and Using Datasets(DataSys 2016)
- Conference
- Valencia, Spain
- 2016-05-22
- 2016-01-31
- IWINAC 2017
- 7th International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial
- Conference
- Spain
- 2017-06-19
- 2016-01-31
- SEIT 2016
- The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT 2016)
- Conference
- Spain
- 2016-05-23
- 2016-01-30
- ANT 2016
- The 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2016)
- Conference
- Madrid, Spain
- 2016-05-23
- 2016-01-30
- DMBD 2016
- International Conference of Data Mining and Big Data (DMBD 2016)
- Conference
- Indonesia
- 2016-06-25
- 2016-01-30
- S4CIP 2016
- 1st Workshop on Safety & Security aSSurance for Critical Infrastructures Protection(S4CIP 2016)
- Workshops
- Madrid, Spain
- 2016-05-23
- 2016-01-30
- PEOCO 2016
- 10th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO 2016)
- Conference
- Malaysia
- 2016-03-26
- 2016-01-30
- ISSGBM 2016
- 3rd International Conference in Humanities, Social Sciences and Global Business Management (ISSGBM 2016)
- Conference
- Singapore
- 2016-05-04
- 2016-01-30
- WbioCC 2016
- 1st Workshop on Bioinformatics Applications for Clusters and Clouds (WbioCC 2016)
- Workshops
- Cartagena
- 2016-05-16
- 2016-01-30
- ICMEN 2016
- 2016 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICMEN 2016)
- Conference
- Taipei, Taiwan
- 2016-05-21
- 2016-01-30
- ICSI 2016
- The seventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2016)
- Conference
- Bali, Indonesia
- 2016-06-25
- 2016-01-30
- IC-DMBD 2016
- International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data (IC-DMBD 2016)
- Conference
- Bali, Indonesia.
- 2016-06-25
- 2016-01-30
- ICCMST 2016
- International Conference on Carbon Materials Science and Technology (ICCMST 2016)
- Conference
- Taiwan
- 2016-05-21
- 2016-01-30
- MOIME 2016
- The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial and Material Engineering 2016 ( MOIME 2016)
- Conference
- Bali,Indonesia
- 2016-03-19
- 2016-01-30
- AI 2016
- 29th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2016)
- Conference
- Canada
- 2016-05-31
- 2016-01-29
- Mechatronics 2016
- 7th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems & 15th Mechatronics Forum International Conference(Mechatronics 2016)
- Symposium
- UK
- 2016-09-05
- 2016-01-29
- INC 2016
- 11th International Network Conference 2016 (INC 2016)
- Conference
- Germany
- 2016-07-19
- 2016-01-29
- SBST 2016
- 9th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST 2016)
- Workshops
- USA.
- 2016-05-16
- 2016-01-29
- CSI-SE 2016
- 3rd International Workshop on Crowd Sourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE 2016)
- Workshops
- 2016-05-16
- 2016-01-29
- UsARE 2016
- 3rd International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility focused Requirements Engineering (UsARE 2016)
- Workshops
- 2016-05-15
- 2016-01-29