Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- EWSN 2016
- International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2016)
- Conference
- Austria
- 2016-02-15
- 2015-12-04
- WInnComm 2016
- Wireless Innovation Forum Conference on Wireless Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio (WInnComm 2016)
- Conference
- Reston
- 2016-03-15
- 2015-12-04
- ICME 2016
- IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2016)
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Seattle
- 2016-07-11
- 2015-12-04
- Sys. Eng. 2016
- Systems Engineering Regional Mini-Conference (Sys. Eng. 2016)
- Conference
- Calfornia
- 2016-04-08
- 2015-12-04
- AsianPLoP 2016
- 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016)
- Conference
- Taipei, Taiwan
- 2016-02-24
- 2015-12-04
- SPT-IoT 2016
- IEEE PERCOM 2016 workshop on Security Privacy and Trust in IoT (SPT-IoT 2016)
- Conference
- Australia
- 2016-03-14
- 2015-12-04
- PerMoby 2016
- International Workshop on the Impact of Human Mobility in Pervasive Systems and Applications (PerMoby 2016)
- Workshops
- Australia
- 2016-03-14
- 2015-12-04
- ECSM 2016
- 3rd European Conference on Social Media (ECSM 2016)
- Conference
- France
- 2016-07-12
- 2015-12-03
- INTED 2016
- 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2016)
- Conference
- Valencia
- 2016-03-07
- 2015-12-03
- The 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms(BIOINFORMATICS 2016)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2016-02-21
- 2015-12-02
- The 9th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2016)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2016-02-21
- 2015-12-02
- The 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2016)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2016-02-21
- 2015-12-02
- PMS 2016
- The 2nd Int'l Conference on Polymer Materials Science (PMS 2016)
- Conference
- Bangkok, Thailand
- 2016-01-14
- 2015-12-01
- PROPOR 2016
- 12th International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR 2016)
- Conference
- Portugal
- 2016-07-13
- 2015-12-01
- ACAH 2016
- The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities ( ACAH 2016 )
- Conference
- Kobe, Japan
- 2015-04-07
- 2015-12-01
- 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems (COMPLEXIS 2016)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2016-04-22
- 2015-12-01
- ICDE 2016
- The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2016)
- Conf/IEEE CS
- Helsinki, Finland
- 2016-05-16
- 2015-12-01
- IoTBD 2016
- International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data(IoTBD 2016)
- Conference
- Rome, Italy
- 2016-04-23
- 2015-12-01
- IEEE 2016 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking
- Conference
- India
- 2016-03-23
- 2015-11-30
- ICHHS 2016
- 5th International Conference on Humanity, History and Society (ICHHS 2016)
- Conference
- Netherlands
- 2016-03-20
- 2015-11-30