Recent Calls For Papers
- Event
- Deadline
- ICIIE 2016
- 5th International Conference on Information and Industrial Electronics (ICIIE 2016)
- Conference
- South Africa
- 2016-02-01
- 2015-11-20
- ICIMA 2016
- 4th International Conference on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation (ICIMA 2016)
- Conference
- South Africa
- 2016-02-01
- 2015-11-20
- ICMFEE- 2015
- The International Conference on Management, Finance, Economics & Entrepreneurship(ICMFEE- 2015)
- Conference
- Pattaya, Thailand
- 2015-12-05
- 2015-11-20
- ICMBS 2016
- 2nd International Conference on Management and Behavioral Sceience(ICMBS 2016)
- Conference
- South Korea
- 2016-03-12
- 2015-11-20
- ICCEI 2016
- 4th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information (ICCEI 2016)
- Conference
- Australia
- 2016-03-03
- 2015-11-20
- ICSE 2016
- The 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016)
- Conference
- Austin, TX,
- 2016-05-14
- 2015-11-20
- ICBTSS- 2015
- the International Conference on Business, Tourism & Social Sciences(ICBTSS- 2015)
- Conference
- Pattaya, Thailand.
- 2015-12-05
- 2015-11-20
- ICCVIA 2016
- International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Analysis applications (ICCVIA 2016)
- Conference
- Sousse,Tunisia
- 2016-01-11
- 2015-11-19
- SIGMOD 2016
- ACM SIGMOD/PODS conference (SIGMOD 2016 )
- Conference
- San Francisco, UAE
- 2016-06-26
- 2015-11-19
- MEDLIFE 2015
- International Conference on Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (MEDLIFE 2015)
- Conference
- Hangzhou, China
- 2015-12-10
- 2015-11-17
- AAMAS 2016
- International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016)
- Conference
- Singapore
- 2016-05-09
- 2015-11-17
- ICOSD 2016
- 35th International Conference on OraganiZational Science Development( ICOSD 2016)
- Conference
- Slovenia
- 2016-03-16
- 2015-11-16
- FLAIRS 2016
- The 29th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS 2016)
- Conference
- Florida, USA
- 2016-05-16
- 2015-11-16
- ICRISET-2015
- International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRISET-2015)
- Conference
- Burma, Myanmar
- 2015-11-28
- 2015-11-16
- ICMA 2015
- International Conference for Mathematics and Applications(ICMA 2015)
- Conference
- Cairo,Egypt
- 2015-12-27
- 2015-11-15
- NCABT 2015
- National conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology(NCABT 2015)
- Conference
- Pune, India
- 2015-11-21
- 2015-11-15
- CMECE 2016
- 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (CMECE 2016)
- Conference
- New York, USA
- 2016-01-07
- 2015-11-15
- ICASE 2015
- International Conference on Arts, Social Science and Education(ICASE 2015)
- Conference
- Toronto-Canada
- 2015-06-14
- 2015-11-15
- ICSET 2015
- International Conference on Innovation in Business, Applied Science, Engineering and E-Technology( ICSET 2015)
- Conference
- New York
- 2015-08-02
- 2015-11-15
- CLWC 2015
- Cognitive Linguistics in Wroclaw Conference (clwc 2015)
- Conference
- N/A
- 2015-12-03
- 2015-11-15