In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) all the nodes are freely moves in the absence of without ant
centralized coordination system. Due to that the attackers or malicious nodes are easily affected that kind
of network and responsible for the routing misbehavior. The routing is network is mandatory to deliver
data in between source and destination. In this research we work on security field in MANET and proposed
a novel security scheme against routing misbehavior through Black hole attack. The Ad hoc On demand
Multipath Routing (AOMDV) protocol is consider for routing and also to improves the routing quality as
compare to single path routing protocol. The attacker is affected all the possible paths that is selected by
sender for sending data in network. The malicious nodes are forward optimistic reply at the time of routing
by that their identification is also a complex procedure. The proposed Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
scheme is identified the attacker information through hop count mechanism. The routing information of
actual data is reached to which intermediate node and the next hop information is exist at that node is
confirm by IDS scheme. The black hole attacker node Identification (ID) is forward in network by that in
future attacker is not participating in routing procedure. The proposed security scheme detects and
provides the deterrence against routing misbehavior through malicious attack. Here we compare the
routing performance of AOMDV, Attack and IDS scheme. The performance of normal multipath routing
and proposed IDS scheme is almost equal. The attacker has degrades the whole routing performance but
observed that in presence of attacker, routing misbehavior is completely block by the proposed IDS scheme
and recovers 95 % of data as compare to normal routing.