Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become an indispensable part of waveform generation in wideband digital communication since its first appearance in digital audio broadcasting (DAB)and it is indeed in use. These descriptions are simplified version of the detailed descriptions provided by 3gpp. It is a superior technology for the high-speed data rate of wire-line and wireless communication systems. The OFDM has many advantages over other techniques such as its high capacity and immunity against multipath fading channels. However ,one of the main drawbacks of the OFDM system is the high-peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) that leads the system to produce in-band distortion and out-of-band radiation because of the non-linearity and reduces its efficiency is the distortion of the signal caused at the High Power Amplifier (HPA) of a transmitter . Therefore, it is highly desirable to reduce the PAPR of an OFDM signal. For this, numerous techniques have been proposed to overcome the PAPR problem such as i) selective mapping(SLM) ii) partial transmit sequence (PTS), iii) clipping, iv) clipping and filtering. In this paper, the PTS technique was analytically reviewed as one of the important methods to reduce the high PAPR problem. Simulations are used to analyze the efficiency of the techniques used which signifies OFDM to be providing much better PAPR reduction and a better Bit Error Rate (BER) . From simulation results clipping method shows good PAPR reduction with significant amount of BER degradation. Clipping and filtering method shows slight increase in PAPR with small degradation in BER performance than Clipping method and both methods are computationally less complex. PTS provides good PAPR reduction with high computational complexity.