The purpose of this research is to study the impact of Egyptian hotels’ websites marketing on customer e-satisfaction and how to achieve e-loyalty through focusing on e-satisfaction success factors (website information quality, system convenience, system safety, service quality, expectations and perceptions for hotel services and facilities, and intention to revisit). In this study, convenience sample was used in order to achieve the aim and objective of this study. A self-administered questionnaire with customers was designed as the research instrument for collecting primary data. This questionnaire included items pertaining to the customers’ demographic data, evaluating level of their E-satisfaction regarding Egyptian hotels’ websites marketing. Four hundred fifty forms were distributed in fifteen investigated hotels; thirty forms in each hotel; among them 430 forms valid for analysis (96%). The study focused on five star hotels. The findings revealed that the most of the customers were dissatisfied about websites marketing in the Egyptian hotels (i.e. dynamic contents, navigation, access, and security of sensitive information, payment options, and their Perceptions of services and facilities after visiting the hotel during stay). Also, most of the customers disagreed to revisit the hotel, and disagreed to suggest to friends and relatives to visit the hotel. Enhancing quality of the marketing websites in the hospitality business leads to sustaining hotel -customer relationship, customers E-satisfaction, E- loyalty, increasing the number of new customers and, improve the brand image of the Egyptian hotels, and consequently achieve profitability.