Oct 10, 2016 - Oct 11, 2016
Milan, Italy
EHST focuses on e-Health services and their related technologies, with a particular stress on the modeling, delivery and use of technology-driven e-Health service-provisioning systems. Fundamental challenges related to e-Health services are to be addressed.
In approaching such services, we are concerned with Tele-Monitoring and Tele-Treatment, as two essential directions of supporting healthcare through advanced cyber-physical technology. By Tele-Monitoring we mean the monitoring of the patient’s condition (including the monitoring of vital signs, such as blood pressure and blood sugar), supported by technology systems. By Tele-Treatment we mean performing some forms of treatment from distance, for example through actuators. These research directions essentially concern the mobility aspect since both Tele-Monitoring and Tele-Treatment are realized from distance, through advanced mobile devices and Internet-of-Things technology. There are open questions however, concerning the reliability of mobile technology ‘any time any place’, the operation of devices and batteries in ‘real’ conditions, and so on. The mentioned mobility aspect points as well to the desired capability of e-Health systems to adequately react on changes in their environment, referred to as context awareness, and which is a subject of ambient intelligence research.
We are also concerned with healthcare coordination pathways that include Electronic Medical Records and Service Management Platforms. Electronic Medical Records enable digital data creation, viewing and sharing between healthcare professionals. They extend on electronic prescriptions, inter-consultation, and access by a patient to its own records. Service Management Platforms enable web-based appointments and orders of healthcare and related services. They constitute e-marketplace of consumers and suppliers, facilitated by intermediaries, call centers, and context aggregators. The platforms contain or interoperate with systems enabling customer relationship management and typical enterprise resource planning functionalities, such as handling payments and accounts.
Finally, even though current technology helps in offering powerful support, providing the patient with complex and constant healthcare services (while keeping him/her in his/her own environment), there are important related concern, such as security and privacy, which need to be addressed also, since providing powerful (remote) support to patients would only make adequate value if patients’ data is treated in a secure and privacy-sensitive way. Last but not least, in order for e-Health services to be successfully deployed in routine care, the services need to fit the needs of the users and clinical effectiveness should be proven. Research dedicated toward user-driven design approaches and validation trials are very welcome to EHST 2016.
In 2016, EHST will be held in Milan, Italy.
The symposium is organized by the international institute IICREST,
co-organized by the ARSIT association and AUTH - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Cooperating organizations are: IMI - the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and AMAKOTA Ltd.