Nov 1, 2016
Savannah, Georgia
The goal of INFLOW’16 is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in systems, across the hardware/software stack, who are interested in the cross-cutting issues of NVM/Flash technologies, Operating Systems, and emerging Workloads.
In recent years, non-volatile memory (NVM) and in particular Flash-based storage devices have seen widespread adoption, for the most part due to demands for storage performance; in turn solid-state storage has been a key driver in development of new and higher-speed storage interfaces such as SATA Express and NVM Express. Yet these devices are almost always used with software architectures at the block device and file system level that were developed decades ago for high-latency and lower-speed disk media.
There are still fundamental research issues to be explored on how to efficiently interface applications to NVM- and Flash-based storage devices, and the implications of such devices for large scale workload deployments and on emerging workloads.The INFLOW Workshop is an attempt to bring top researchers across the World to exchange ideas and discuss recent innovations related to NVM/Flash technologies and their interactions with Operating systems and workloads, in the context of current enterprises as well as consumer markets.