Call for Paper
2023 Asian Confernce on Frontiers of Power and Energy (ACFPE 2023)
Oct. 20 to 22, 2023 | Chengdu, China
2023 2nd Asian Conference on Frontiers of Power and Energy (ACFPE 2023) will be hosted in Chengdu, China from Oct. 20 to 22, 2023, which is organized by Sichuan University, technically sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Electrical Engineering of Chongqing University, Sichuan Society for Electrical Engineering, Sichuan Electric Power Technology, Global Energy Interconnection, Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers(HKSME), IEEE Chengdu Section, IEEE PES Chongqing Chapter and IEEE IAS Shanghai Chapter, supported by Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, Power System Protection and Control, media supported by Proceedings of the CSEE, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES), Automation of Electric Power Systems, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE), Power System Technology, Journal of Electrical Engineering, High Voltage Engineering, High Voltage, Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, Power Generation Technology. The theme of ACFPE 2023 is "The Path to the Low-Carbon Power System".
●Publication & Indexing
* All submissions will be peer reviewed, and the registered and presented papers will be published in The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2023 (Online Publishing). The publisher will submit articles to IEEE Xplore and submitted to Ei Compendex, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases for review and indexing after publication.
#The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2022 will be published by IEEE, the publisher will submit articles to IEEE Xplore and submitted to Ei Compendex, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases for review and indexing after publication.
* Selected papers with high quality will be recommended to publish in the following journals:
Global Energy Interconnection(ISSN 2096-5117), Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (ISSN 2367-2617), Power System Protection and Control (ISSN 1674-3415), Sichuan Electric Power Technology (ISSN 1003-6954)
The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2022 was published by IEEE (Link), and indexed by Ei compendex.
●Special Sessions
Special Session 1: Power quality and premium power
Session Chair 1: Ying Wang, Sichuan University, China
Special Session 2: Electricty Market Shaping Green Power System
Session Chair 2: Mingxu Xiang, Chongqing University, China
Special Session 3: Coordinated Operation and Planning of Integrated Energy Systems
Session Chair 3: Chun He, Sichuan University, China
Special Session 4: AI-based data analysis in power system
Session Chair 4: Bochao Zhao,Tianjin University, China
Special Session 5: Power system extreme event defense and stability control
Session Chair 5: Lei Chen, Wuhan University, China
Special Session 6: Flexibility in renewable-dominant power systems
Session Chair 6: Sheng Chen, Hohai University, China
* Applications of AI in Power Systems
* Energy Analysis, Modelling and Prediction
* Energy Conversion and Conservation
* Energy Planning and Energy on Economic
* Integrated Energy Systems
* New Energy System and Control Technologies
* Power Market and Data Analysis
* Power System Analysis, Operation and Control
* Power System and Control System of New Energy Vehicle
* Power Infrastructure
●Paper Submission
Electronic submission system:
1. Manuscripts must be written in English;
2. The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template;
3. The paper should be no less than 5 pages and no longer than 10 pages;
4. Plagiarism is prohibited;
5. Duplicate submission is prohibited.
6. Innovation and scientific value is a must.
●Call for participants
1,Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation to us:
2,Listener: You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration dealdine.
3,Reviewer: We sincerely welcome professors, associate professors, teachers and other experts in the areas of Power and Energy join the conference as a reviewer.
●Contact Us
Ms. Coral Lu
Tel: +852-30506862(English)| +86 18200296850(Chinese)
WeChat: ardianqi
User Name : HKSME
Posted 14-11-2022 on 14:38:59 AEDT