ICatse Symposium on Electrical Engineering(ISEE 2017)
June 26-29,2017
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Call For Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers which have not been submitted or published by other conferences or journals. Papers will be peer-reviewed and the accepted papers and posters will be published in LNEE Series by Springer(Indexing: ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, MetaPress, Springerlink). Furthermore, the selected papers will be published in the special issues of prestigious international journals after further revision.
Topics of Interest
- Battery Management System
- Biomedical Devices, Sensors and Systems
- Biomedical Imaging
- Circuits and Electronics
- Component Technology
- Computer-Aided Surgery
- Electrical Machines
- Electrical Power Systems
- Electromagnetics
- Electronic Devices
- Electronic Materials
- Electronics System-Level Based Design
- Electronics
- High Voltage Engineering
- Integrated Circuits and Power Electronics
- Machine Learning
- Microwave Theory
- Mechatronics
- Medical Electronics
- Nanotechnology
- Nanoscience and Quantum Technology
- 3D Semiconductor Device Technology
- Robotics
- Signal Processing
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Feburary 28,2017
Notification Due: March 28,2017
Final Version Due:April 15,2017
User Name : Anika
Posted 24-12-2016 on 10:06:02 AEDT
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