Untitled Document
Special Session on Deployment Areas of Dynamic Environments(DADE 2017)
July 3-5, 2017, Gdynia, Poland
Call for Papers :
In real world a great majority of processes are time-dependant by nature. Therefore, methodologies of processing data and
information in dynamic environments are widely studied. In particular, application areas like for instance in business,
medicine, or smart cities are expanding rapidly such that the trend creates the challenge for research community to build new
infrastructure aimed at meeting the innovative requirements.
One of the fundamental goals in computational intelligence is to achieve the ability to effective computer-assisted learning
from noisy, uncertain and incomplete data in order to adapt to constantly changing environments. Examples of such dynamic
environments, which require some well-defined and verified methods and tools, include Internet of Things networks and realtime
systems. Substantial changes, concept drift and some newly emerging trends in dynamic environments can have an
impact on the increasing number of imprecise predictive methods, the rate of false alarms and consequently it may influence
the systems performance and/or security.
Topics of Interest
- Real-time systems
- Concept drift identification
- Methodologies/algorithms/techniques for learning in dynamic environments
- Dynamic environment optimization algorithms
- Incremental e-learning, lifelong learning, cumulative learning
- Mobile robots in a dynamic environment
- Machine learning under concept drift and class imbalance
- Change-detection and anomaly-detection algorithms
- Dynamic cloud applications in PaaS (Platform as a Service) models
- Decision support systems working in real-time
- Predictive information-mining approaches
- Dynamical nature of Web information search including Deep Web layers
- Machine learning scenarios following parametric dataflow
- Simultaneous machine translation systems
- Streaming media
- Geolocalization systems
- RSS-based positioning
- Real-Time traffic data services including emergency services
- 5G communication in Smart cities
- Remote sensing data processing
- Instant messaging paradigms
- Cognitive-inspired approaches to adaptation and learning
- Internet of Things
Applications of change/anomaly detection, such as:
- Adaptive/Intelligent systems
- Fraud detection
- Fault detection
- Network-intrusion detection and security
- Intelligent sensor networks
- Statistical analysis of time series
- Security challenges in the area of Internet of Things (IoT)
Important Dates
- Submission of papers: March 1, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2017
- Camera-ready papers: April 30, 2017
User Name : Simon
Posted 11-01-2017 on 11:42:09 AEDT
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