Untitled Document
3rd International Workshop Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data
(VOILA 2017)
October 22, 2017,Vienna, Austria
Call for Papers:
Ontology visualization is not a new topic and a number of approaches have become available in recent years, with some being already well-established, particularly in the field of ontology modeling. In other areas of ontology engineering, such as ontology alignment and debugging, although several tools have been developed, few provide a graphical user interface, not to mention navigational aids or comprehensive visualization and interaction techniques.
Topics :
- visualizations
- user interfaces
- visual analytics
- requirements analysis
- case studies
- user evaluations
- cognitive aspects
- classical interaction contexts (desktop, keyboard, mouse, etc.)
- novel interaction contexts (mobile, touch, gesture, etc.)
- special settings (large, high-resolution, and multiple displays, etc.)
- specific user groups and needs (people with disabilities, domain experts, etc.)
- Submission Deadline : July 14, 2017
- Notification for accepted papers/abstracts :August 24, 2017
- Registration : September 13, 2017
User Name : Jenifer
Posted 24-06-2017 on 16:06:22 AEDT
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