Untitled Document
IEEE Symposium on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space (RiiSS 2017)
November 27-December 01, 2017,Hawaii, USA
Call for Papers:
The 2017 IEEE Symposium on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space (IEEE RiiSS'17) will bring together scientists, engineers and students from around the world to discuss the latest advances in the field of robot intelligence within the context of informationally structured space. Recently, the emerging synthesis of information technology (IT), network technology (NT), and robot technology (RT) is one of the most promising approaches to realize a safe, secure, and comfortable society for the next generation. Human-centered systems require, in particular, sophisticated physical and information services which are based on sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, and intelligent artifacts. Information resources and the accessibility within an environment are essential for people and for robots. The environment surrounding people and robots should have a structured platform for gathering, storing, transforming, and providing information. Such an environment is called informationally structure space.
- Computational Intelligence in
- Robotics
- Adaptation, Learning and
- Evolution in Robotics
- Networked Intelligent
- Robotics
- Multi-Robot Systems
- Swarm Robotics
- Collective Decision Making
- Tele-operated Robots
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Human Centered Systems
- Informationally Structured Space
- Intelligent Space
- Intelligent Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
- Paper Submissions: August 07, 2017
- Notification to Authors: September 04, 2017
- Final Submission: October 01, 2017
User Name : Jenifer
Posted 20-07-2017 on 15:05:16 AEDT
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