Untitled Document
1st Workshop on the Integration of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Management and Analytics(EBDMA 2017)
May 14-17, 2017,Madrid, Spain
Call for Papers :
The deployment of extreme scale computing platforms in research and industry coupled with the proliferation of large and distributed digital data sources have the potential for unprecedented insights and understanding in all areas of science, engineering, business, and society in general. However challenges related to the Big Data generated and processed by these systems remain a significant barrier in achieving this potential.
Topics of Interest :
- Models and techniques for scalable data analysis
- Extreme data discovery solutions
- HPC and extreme scale platforms for Big Data analytics
- Exascale data analysis programming abstractions and services
- Parallel and distributed Big Data analysis algorithms
- Data analysis as a service infrastructure
- Code coordination and data integration on HPC platforms
- Interoperability of Big Data analytics frameworks
- Adaption of data mining algorithms on extreme scale systems
- Data-centric scalable programming tools and algorithms
- High-performance and Big Data analytics frameworks, programming models, and tools
- Leveraging processing, storage and communications technologies (multi/many-core architectures, accelerators, RDMA-enabled networking, NVRAMs and SSDs) in integrated HPC Big Data applications
- Performance modeling and evaluation of integrated HPC Big Data applications
- Fault tolerance, reliability and availability for high-performance Big Data computing
- New storage devices for Big Data management in HPC and Clouds
- Security issues in Big Data analysis and management in HPC and Clouds
- Energy-efficiency issues in Big Data analysis and management in HPC and Clouds
- Stream data processing in HPC and Clouds
- Case studies of data-intensive applications in HPC and Clouds
- Scheduling and provisioning data analytics on hybrid Cloud and HPC infrastructure
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline:January 9 16, 2017 (11:59pm AOE)
- Notification of Acceptance:February 10, 2017
- Camera Ready:February 24, 2017
User Name : jerish
Posted 10-01-2017 on 12:39:09 AEDT
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